The #1 US Export to the Caribbean
US representative denies link between deportees and escalating crime
United States Ambassador to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, Mary Kramer, says there is no factual basis on which to suggest that criminal deportees from the United States are contributing to the escalating crime situation in the Caribbean.
(Click on the headline above to see the full article.)
Also in the news, from the Santa Maria Times, today:
California prison officials seem a little surprised that the recidivism rate has been inching downward for the past few years. In 2003, just more than 38 percent of inmates released were back in prison by the following year, the lowest percentage since 1979.
That statistic seems encouraging - until you look at the two-year recidivism rate. Of those inmates paroled in 2003, nearly 52 percent were back in prison by the end of 2005. The national average for a two-year period is about 41 percent.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Basically this is saying that 41% of the average US parolees end up back in prison at the end of two years.
Now we have the US ambassador claiming that there is no evidence that criminal deportees who are sent back to the Caribbean after completing their sentences are contributing to crimes here.
Maybe they should ALL their prisoners to the Caribbean, because it looks as if we are doing a superb job in rehabilitating US ex-convicts, without any programs of any kind, or even a parole system.
(I'm looking for an even more sarcastic comment.)
I read someplace that the best way to tell a lie is to tell a BIG lie.
I wonder how many of these "rehabbed" ex-cons living in the Caribbean are able to get visas to re-enter the U.S.? Why so hard? Is it because US Homeland Security has some inside info... that these rehabbed ex-cons are only skillful at committing crimes in the U.S., but not in the Caribbean, where they become productive citizens?
Maybe we should be thanking them.... LOL
I think that these criminal deportees are are fast becoming the #1 US export to the Caribbean.
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