Moving Back to Jamaica

A blog about my Move Back to Jamaica after 20+ years of living in the US. Most of the articles focus on the period from 2005-2009 when the transition was new, and at it's most challenging.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Striking it Rich

What if all of a sudden Jamaica were to strike it rich, like we discovered a source oil, natural gas, gold or diamonds? Evidence suggests that that could be one of the worse things we could wish upon ourselves.

Trinidad, for example, is currently undergoing an oil and natural gas boom that is fast becoming a source of concern to some of its most thoughtful citizens.

Why so?

Recent past history tells us that developing countries that "discover" a single source of a new mineral commodity end up wrecking their economies. Oil and then natural gas are the most recent instigators, but gold, diamonds and other precious metals have also played their part.

How does this happen?

Well, believe it or not, it is a little like hitting the lottery, which often involves
x changing locks, phone numbers, addresses, names, etc. to gain some relief from the public
x being informed of "new" cousins that claim kinship, and a cut
x family members and friends who refuse to talk to you after you refuse them their "share"
x complicated new choices on taxes and investments x hiring a lawyer and accountant (at least) x new "friendships" based on what you have, rather than who you are
x saying "No way" more often than "Yes" to worthy causes and needy people
x thieves and dirty, rotten scoundrels include you in their short to medium term career planning

I have never won anything in my life, but I once met someone whose lottery-winning uncle refused to fund her continuing education once she decided to switch from Pre-Med... causing her to drop out in mid-semester.

The problem with a windfall is that it distorts things.

Undeserved and unearned resources are placed in our hands. We have an instant material power that is unmatched with equal wisdom. Our capacity to live life productively remains unchanged, but Lady Luck has granted us the fruits of a windfall and fate demands that we deal with them nonetheless.

The new NBC series "Windfall" offers an interesting dramatic account of one group of lottery winners.

Many Jamaicans living abroad play the lottery as a means of "planning" their return home. I can tell them that their successful return has little to do with these things.

Trinidad's current windfall is actually its second, and the last one was bad enough and recent enough to have those with long memories nervous. Some of the effects are already plain to see. x Rising GDP and government revenue have served to stimulate an appetite for instant wealth, leading to a startling increase in kidnappings

x Government's desire to increase employment led to the creation of artificial employment in the form of the CEPEP program and others. In short, they provide a decent wage for a disproportionate (in other words, small) amount of value. The end result is an indecent one, however - first wage inflation, and now a labour shortage.

x Increasing traffic, but few new roads being built. Several spots have become nightmares, such as the roads into Maraval and Diego Martin.

x Port of Spain's real estate prices have risen dramatically fuelled by the demand by expats related to the oil industry x While the oil and natural gas sectors are booming, the non-oil related economy is stagnant. In short this means that the only thing separating Trinidad from other developing countries is $70+/barrel oil - a commodity price over which the country has no influence Could we expect the same things in Jamaica if we were to make the same kind of discovery?

x Would our crime increase in the same way, as people's expectations collectively rise more quickly than incomes? x Would our real estate prices also explode?

x Would government policies also encourage under-employment, and a labour shortage?

x Would the economy come to rely on unsustainable factors such as the price of oil on the world market? Countries such as Nigeria and Venezuela have clearly suffered historically from their windfalls, leading some to say that oil is the worst...

The remedy seems to lie in a commitment by government to the long term development of its people, increasing education and its sister, productive capacity, faster than expectations of instant wealth.

Would our politicians resist the temptation to forgo easy spending to gain votes? Omar Davis' recent admission that he authorized election spending to gain votes legitimized common, if unspoken knowledge. His words give us no confidence that he and others would act any differently.

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Working on Election Day

At some point it will be official -- I will either be a Presiding Officer or a Poll
Clerk in the next elections.

I thought I was vounteering, and playing my part as a citizen, until I understood that I was actually going to be paid about J$5000 -- which is about US$87.

Now, that is not bad money.

Except that I happen to be working in one of the "special" constituencies i.e. possibly dangerous, or disruptive. I can't say that I meant to sign up for all that!

We (the election day workers) will actually be sequestered at some hotel, before being bused in the following morning to an "undisclosed" location. Once the polling is complete, we will be bused back out.


Elections days in the past have meant gunshots, stolen ballot boxes, 100%+ "turnouts" in some constituences and a range of other "irregularities." According to a Trini friend of mine, Elections is to Jamaicans what Carnival is to Trinis, except that elections only come once every 5 years.

A few years ago, I participated as an observer of the process in one volatile area, and that was an eye-opener. Votes materialized out of thin air, as the list of votes exceeded the number of voters by a fair margin.

Like everything else in Jamaica, it had tinges of excitement, danger, chaos and fun mixed in. Tempers, emotions and sweat were all running quite hot back then, it what everyone knew was an easy win for the ruling party.

The upcoming election is bound to be a close one, so whatever job I actually do on the day is going to be important. I am sure that the four evenings of training and testing I underwent will be put to good use.

Elections here are a serious business -- we love them and hate them.

And thank God we have them, and that our governments have willingly given up power, and stepped aside.

This is a national miracle.

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