Moving Back to Jamaica

A blog about my Move Back to Jamaica after 20+ years of living in the US. Most of the articles focus on the period from 2005-2009 when the transition was new, and at it's most challenging.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Go West


A friend of mine who shopped only once at Go West on Constant Spring Road, just got a call on her birthday. They thanked her for being a customer and reminded her that she was entitled to a 30%discount on the next trip, which is a regular offer they make all customers on their birthdays.

Now, this is impressive.

She also told me that they send her regular text messages with sales advisories.

The cost to them? Almost nothing.

The benefit? Well, here I am wishing that other stores in Jamaica would begin to be this savvy.

And, here I am telling anyone who will listen that here is a store that is getting something right, and creating an experience that is special. I can't remember any store in the U.S. making a live birthday call, and doing it this well.

Too often we in Jamaica are afflicted by an abiding "don't care attitude" that characterizes what I called "Res a Dem" Service (detailed in a few entries in my Chronicles blog.)

Go West is clearly making an effort, and I want to find other stores that are also trying this hard.

I welcome any hints of the upcoming service revolution!


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