Moving Back to Jamaica

A blog about my Move Back to Jamaica after 20+ years of living in the US. Most of the articles focus on the period from 2005-2009 when the transition was new, and at it's most challenging.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Dell Comes Through

In earlier entires, I spoke about the trouble I had with my Dell 5150 laptop:

In a nutshell, I complained that the computer died, and that it turned out to be a manufacturer's fault. I also reported that a year later, Dell decided to extend the warranty, a fact that I found out by accident.

Well, the story comes to a close (I hope) with my receiving my Dell, apparently completely repaired.

It seems to be working well enough, and is now sitting idle while I decide what to do with it exactly.

I am grateful to Dell for reversing their policy, but will under no circumstances buy anything else from them, unless I receive continuous positive proof that they have amended their customer service standards.


At 6/07/2007 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Fwade. Stubled across your blog today and am glad for your regular posts about your country. I am a Trinidadian who knows quite a lot of Jamaicans studying here at UWI St Augustine. I am curious about Jamaica and know I will visit soon to see and hear all the things my Jamaican friends (who happen to be the most interesting and united group of Caribbean people at UWI) have talked about - good and bad. I would just like to correct a comment on a previous post on March 18 2006. Trinidad's GDP per capita surpassed Barbados's in 2006, both in terms of purchasing power parity and official exchange rate (Tnt - $19,700/$11,530 Bds - $18,700/$11,235. As a citizen of Tnt for 24 years and who grew up in the hard years of the late 80's and early 90's when serious sacrifices were made by everybody including public servants (10% of ps's salaries were 'borrowed' by govt - only repaid a few years ago)in the name of economic recovery; the boom times being experienced now (total employment achieved, 13% GDP growth) is sweeter when viewed from the perpective of the difficult adjustments made. Socialism,practised under Williams was a noble policy but as an economic model it was a proven failure (hope Chavez can learn this lesson). FDI has come from a point in this country where govt had to beg for investors and give liberal tax breaks, to today's situation of foreign industrialists being refused unless their investment 'adds value' to the country by creating downstream industries. Despite most islanders believing trinidad's prosperity is simply due to 'oil', the truth is that in the medium term, the chemical and metal industries being built today are creating a firm foundation for a Trinidad as a diversified manufacturer of Offshore Oil Platforms (Tnt has already constructed 5 of these), car parts, machinenery and a provider of design engineering.


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